May. Newsletter | KubeSphere Inspector Supports Configuring Scheduled Policies, Saving Inspection Data to the Cloud, and Adapting to ARM64 Architecture

What’s New KubeSphere Inspector Supports Periodic Health Checks As enterprise core business environment security incidents occur more frequently, it is essential for companies to periodically perform cluster health checks and promptly address risk items based on inspection status. KubeSphere Inspector’s scheduled inspection feature allows users to configure inspection schedules according to diverse frequencies, including hourly,… Continue reading May. Newsletter | KubeSphere Inspector Supports Configuring Scheduled Policies, Saving Inspection Data to the Cloud, and Adapting to ARM64 Architecture

KubeSphere Inspector now available: One-click automated inspection for Kubernetes clusters on any cloud!

Today, cloud-native architecture based on container technologies such as Kubernetes has become a widely popular new generation of enterprise IT infrastructure. In industries such as the internet, finance, and manufacturing, an increasing number of cloud-native applications are running in production environments. As enterprises grow, the number and scale of Kubernetes clusters continue to expand, with… Continue reading KubeSphere Inspector now available: One-click automated inspection for Kubernetes clusters on any cloud!

Feb. Newsletter | KubeSphere Backup supports Kubernetes v1.22 and later

What’s new KubeSphere Backup supports Kubernetes v1.22 and later Kubernetes rolls out new versions in a frequent manner, and an increasing number of users upgrade Kubernetes to higher versions. To secure critical applications running on Kubernetes of higher versions, KubeSphere Backup adds support for Kubernetes v1.22 and later. Start, stop, install, or uninstall KubeSphere Backup… Continue reading Feb. Newsletter | KubeSphere Backup supports Kubernetes v1.22 and later

Jan. Newsletter | New subscription plans for KubeSphere Lite, monthly $21 for 4 vCPUs and 8GB memory

What’s new New subscription plans for KubeSphere Lite, monthly $21 for 4 vCPUs and 8GB memory KubeSphere Lite, a simple yet powerful managed Kubernetes service, has been winning rave reviews during the open beta. With it, you can unleash the power of Kubernetes with lightning-fast deployment – just seconds away! You can kickstart your Kubernetes… Continue reading Jan. Newsletter | New subscription plans for KubeSphere Lite, monthly $21 for 4 vCPUs and 8GB memory